Pregnancy Acupuncture


Why choose acupuncture to support your pregnancy?

Acupuncture is a safe, natural treatment that can be used any time in pregnancy.  Carrying a baby can place many physical and emotional demands on the body.  Women are frequently concerned about the use of medication in pregnancy and this concern often leads them to try acupuncture. 

Women seek acupuncture for a whole range of problems including back pain, headaches and migraines, insomnia, constipation, anxiety, depression and a general feeling of exhaustion. Deborah has experience of treating all of these conditions. 

Acupuncture can also be used in the run up to birth. Acupuncture, or more specifically, moxabustion is a common treatment for turning breech babies. The optimum time to do this is at 34 weeks gestation. Babies can still turn right up until the end of pregnancy although the likelihood becomes less with each passing day. The woman, and preferably her birth partner, need to attend for one appointment. During this appointment they are shown how to use the moxabustion to encourage the baby to turn. They then go home and carry on this technique for the next 7-10 days.

Acupuncture can also be used to prepare the body for labour (from week 36/37 onwards). The holistic nature of acupuncture means that it works alongside the changing hormonal states of the body to stimulate uterine contractions and dilate the cervix. Woman often report feeling calm and relaxed after treatment – a good state to be in for a successful labour.

Women also seek acupuncture for induction of labour, often with the expressed desire of avoiding medical induction. Given that no two pregnancies are the same it is always difficult to say how many treatments are needed but most commonly it is 2 or 3, although in some cases it can happen after one session.

Deborah practices from clinics in East Dulwich and Holborn and can help you with pregnancy acupuncture support.